Link Building Best Practices: Ensuring You’ll Continue To Get Links Forever

SEO Services Hong Kong, SEO Agency Hong Kong

Link Building Best Practices: Ensuring You’ll Continue To Get Links Forever

Updated on: 24 August 2021

SEO Services Hong Kong, SEO Agency Hong Kong

Your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts wouldn’t work without a strong and effective link-building strategy in place. It plays a pivotal role in driving organic traffic to your site. While spammy link-building practices might work for some time, you can’t expect them to for a long time. Nowadays, the demand for quality, relevant, and authentic links cannot be emphasized enough.

What is link building?

You create content that people will be interested in. That answers questions. That solves problems. More importantly, that search engines understand. While all of those can make your content relevant, those are not enough to make it rank high in search engines. Imagine hundreds of thousands of content with the same qualities. How do you outrank all of them? How will you establish your site as an authority in your niche?

Link building is the answer. It’s the solution. The key.

Link building is the process of acquiring links from other websites. This is an important part of every search engine optimization strategy because it is how search engine bots crawl between pages on the web. Bots will crawl links in individual pages on a website and then crawl the links between sites. It is also through these links that users navigate the entire internet.

There are two ways search engines look at links:

1. To discover new pages, which is important in providing users with search results.

2. To help search engines determine how well a page should rank.

Not all links are built for SEO purposes though. There are those that link to a source, providing more information about a topic, product, or service. Websites can ask to link to one of your pages because they find your content relevant to them. This is something that every website owner who wishes to drive more traffic to their website is striving for and building towards the long term.

So, how do you acquire links without asking for them?

You go the extra mile to make your content link-worthy. It should be unique, relevant, and useful.

How to make link building a sustainable digital marketing strategy?

To be able to take advantage of the benefits of link building as part of your digital marketing effort, your campaign should be ongoing. It should be a continuous effort to earn links over the long term. In short, your campaign should be sustainable.

Here are a few tips to help increase your chances of getting links for your campaign for a long time.

1. Content shouldn’t be tied to a specific date or event.

Oftentimes, it’s easy to write about something current, like a holiday, festival, or other special event. While articles that are tied to a specific date or event are relevant at the time of posting, they can become useless when they are no longer current. The reason why you shouldn’t focus on a date in your blog or article is that it will be hard to link to other pages because of the specific date attached to it. But if you write content that talks about an event but doesn’t mention the date too much, you can keep pushing it to continue to acquire links in the long run.

2. Build up a pool of link-worthy content.

The key to making your link-building campaign sustainable is to not treat it as a start-and-stop strategy. By building up a pool of link-worthy content, you can do outreach over and over and over again. Come up with ideas and designs that will be relevant and useful to other sites. Then, you do outreach and do it again and again for the same piece of content. That way you’ll get links consistently. So, the next time you think of content ideas to put in your blog, make sure you can use them for your outreach campaign for a long time.

3. Find datasets that give you different angles for outreach.

Create datasets that you can base your content ideas on. While this can be risky since you don’t always know which data will give you a good story or angle until you’ve actually gone into it., you can, however, produce content around the data you’ve gathered.

For example, you can create different content to target different demographics. You can target females, young people, children, stay-at-home moms, or working mothers. You can slice the data in various ways to target different demographics to come up with different ways to do outreach with your content.

Another useful piece of data that you can use in different ways is the year. If your content is for a specific year, find a part of the article that you can update next year or recycle annually.

4. Determine what content format gives you the best result.

Knowing the different content formats and which ones work best for you can help you plan your content marketing campaigns better. Data visualizations or data viz, for example, can be quite hard to do but are really effective in getting you lots of fantastic links. This is because data visualizations, like charts, maps, and graphs, can help users better understand certain topics, trends, and patterns, which means that they make the content better.

By being able to pinpoint which content format does not work or is harder to do, you’ll be able to save a lot of time and money in planning your content marketing strategy and your link-building campaigns.

5. Get more specific.

If you want to get a “yes” from a great site that you want to link to, you should have content or create one that makes sense to what the website is all about, instead of just its domain.

Say, your selling personalized t-shirts to young women. It would make sense to want to link to a website that sells plain t-shirts. By doing so, you can rationalize the shared benefits as to why that site should link back to you.

6.Take advantage of influencer marketing.

Whatever product or service you are selling, there are people on social media whom people consider experts. They can be vloggers, bloggers, podcasters, or social media personalities. Followers listen to their opinions and use their recommendations when it comes to making decisions on a product or service. Because of this, it’s only right that you find the people who can create good reviews and promote whatever you are selling. Ask them if they want to be sponsored and form partnerships with them.


Your link-building campaign should not be something that you do for a short while and then forget about. It needs to be an ongoing effort to ensure that you’ll get high-quality links and keep ranking in search engines for a long period.