5 Common SEO And Digital Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

5 Common SEO And Digital Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

5 Common SEO And Digital Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

Updated on: 2 August 2022

5 Common SEO And Digital Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

Being at the top of Google search rankings has never been more competitive. Companies are often hit with various online marketing issues that they could have avoided if they were paying closer attention to their digital marketing strategy. Frustrated with not being able to get on top of Google search results and constantly losing out on sales to your competitors? You might just be making some common digital marketing mistakes that are costing your business – and not even realising it.

At the same time, It’s not uncommon for businesses to overlook the importance of SEO. After all, it’s a relatively new discipline and one that’s continually evolving thanks to Google’s updates and algorithm changes. Additionally, too many businesses are not maximising the use of their websites which require plenty of work and attention to produce desirable results. This guide will take you through some common mistakes that many site owners make and put you in the position to avoid making them.

Ranking for the wrong keywords

The most important thing to remember when optimising your pages for search engines like Google is to ensure that your pages include the right keywords. Without having its audience in mind, site owners tend to optimise their pages for generic keywords rather than targeting their content to specific queries. When optimising your site for keywords, aim to develop long, specific keywords. These are more likely to rank you in Google than short, generic phrases. Using long tail keywords or longer and more specific phrases can also rank you up within those keywords if you optimise more pages on your website for different long tail keywords. You’ll find that you’ll eventually earn more site traffic than by optimising for one main keyword.

Low click-through rates

Google uses a variety of factors to determine what shows up in search results, including the content of your website, how many links you have, and your metadata – namely, your page title and meta description. These are good places for you to add keywords relevant to your page’s content and will increase the likelihood of potential visitors clicking on your site. You’ll also want to avoid a page title that’s too long to prevent your message from being cut off before a viewer gets to read it. An attractive meta description, such as one with an actionable call to action, can also help people know why they should click on your website.

Not keeping visitors on your site

The most important thing you should know about SEO is that it’s about creating a high-quality website that can rank well in search engines. This is why you need to encourage visitors to click through your site. Once visitors land on your site, the next goal is to keep them on it. The best way to do this is to create a call-to-action (CTA), perhaps a button that offers an action to your visitors, such as a ‘buy’ button for a product or a ‘sign-up’ button for newsletters. Then there is also adding internal links to other relevant pages on your website, which can boost your site structure and keep people reading your content. When people read your website, they want to know what other pages are on it. Having links to related pages makes it easier for visitors to read and find information.

Unengaging content

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to get traffic, which means you must create high-quality content regularly. Google has become very good at determining whether a page contains unique, relevant information or if it simply repeats the same information found in other places on the web. If you want to rank well, make sure your site has fresh and unique content that provides real value for your visitors and multimedia elements such as videos, images and interactive graphics that will keep them interested in what they are reading. Good web copy is easy to read and understand. It’s well-written and provides the correct information at the right time.

Your website isn’t mobile friendly

The percentage of smartphone users accessing the web is increasing every day, and if your website is not optimised for mobile devices, you may lose traffic, conversions and customers. Hence, your site must be mobile-friendly, easy to navigate and loads fast on any device. For instance, most people use smartphones to search for local businesses while on the go. The problem with this is that many business owners don’t realise that their websites might not be optimised for these searches until it’s too late. You don’t want to miss out on potential customers who might leave if they don’t find what they want quickly enough or if the site takes too long to load.


SEO is one of the most important aspects of any digital marketing strategy. It can help you get more traffic, boost your sales and increase your profits. One thing we know for sure is that there’s no such thing as an exhaustive list of SEO mistakes. There are always new ones being created and old ones being corrected or improved. We hope this article will give you a good idea of what mistakes you should avoid to get started on the right track with your website’s SEO.

Impossible Marketing is a digital marketing and PPC agency providing SEO services in Hong Kong. If you’re still not sure how to go about SEO and digital marketing, our team of experts can help you boost your website’s visibility and increase organic search traffic to your website. Every business owner wants more customers for their business, and we understand that very well. We are dedicated to delivering quality work to our clients, so reach out to us today!